Are you feeling unhappy at work?
Even when we are doing a job we really love, there can be days when we don't feel happy. That happens sometimes to all of us. But do you feel miserable at work most of the time?.
Maybe you started out happy but now when you wake up in a morning you get that feeling of dread. Or maybe you're just bored with it. All the passion you felt at the beginning has gone.
Perhaps something has changed, you have a new boss or you have new colleagues you don't like. Or maybe you don't feel your contribution is recognised these days and they are not giving you the opportunities you expected.
Or may be stress at work is just wearing you down and you think it might even be starting to affect your mental or physical health.
Sometimes stress comes from ethical or moral differences - you don't agree with something the organization is doing. I know my employer treating my colleagues badly once led to me quitting.
Is your unhappiness is affecting both your health and your work performance and is it time to go?
Here are some steps you can take
For the next three working days, each day, write down three positive things about you present role. Write down what it is, why it is and who else contributes to that positive feeling.
On Day Four, review you notes! Do you still agree that they are all positive and what you wrote about them? Make any additions or amendments.
On Day Five start work on your options and the advantage and disadvantage of each one of them.
Your options
Staying put and making no changes
Staying put and making changes - what changes would they be?
Moving on - now, in the immediate future or in the more distant future. Think realistically about the present work climate!
Now you take action
If you choose to stay put and make no changes - remind yourself every day of the positives.
If you are making changes - make a plan and use your thoughts on the positive in discussion with your boss etc
If you are moving on make your plan for finding a new role but use your positive thoughts to help you make the most of your remaining time where you are now and get a super reference!
By the end of Day Five I think you will feel a whole lot better!

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