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Showing posts with the label self esteem

Feeling Confident at Work: 10 Tips to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Feeling Confident at Work: 10 Tips to Boost Your Self-Esteem Feeling confident at work is important. Confidence is an important quality for success in any area of life, but it can be especially important in the workplace. When you feel confident, you are more likely to take risks, speak up in meetings, and advocate for yourself. You are also more likely to be seen as a leader and to be promoted.  . If you are struggling with confidence at work, there are a few things you can do to boost your self-esteem. Here are 10 tips: Be kind to yourself. The most important thing you can do to build confidence is to be kind to yourself. This means accepting your flaws and mistakes, and giving yourself credit for your accomplishments. It means taking time to recognise the things that you are good at. Identify your strengths and weaknesses . As I say above, a good first step to building confidence is to know your strengths but also recognise that we all have some weaknesses. Think about the thi...