My last post said that with practice you can learn to think positively and confidently about making changes. You can develop a resilient mindset. This post takes this further and offers help!
People with inborn talent may be good at what they do—but experience shows that only the mentally tough reach the highest plateaus in their field.
Mental toughness is something anyone can learn.
Director of mental training for the St. Louis Cardinals and a top-tier executive coach, Dr. Jason Selk knows everything there is to know about developing mental toughness!
Inspired on the vision of legendary basketball coach John Wooden, Dr Selk has developed a program that is as simple as it is effective.
But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.
You will have to put effort in if you are serious about being successful.
But this is a great way to build up your mental “muscles.”
But this is a great way to build up your mental “muscles.”
Dr Selk provides hands-on daily exercises for breaking old, self-defeating patterns of behaviour. You can replace them with the can-do attitude and positive behavior that would make Coach Wooden proud.
ExecutiveToughness outlines the three fundamentals for attaining high-level success:
- ACCOUNTABILITY—admit to mistakes, correct them, and, most important, learn from them
- FOCUS—on your strengths, on winning, on reaching your goal . . . for only 100 seconds per day
- OPTIMISM—don’t just believe you can succeed, know you can succeed
Executive Toughness takes you through the steps of making these critical behaviours part of your everyday routine.
Practice your accountability, focus, and optimism!
Then,you’ll be on the path to attaining your goals!
Make them part of your mental “DNA” and there will be no turning back—ever.
UK Link
She works with all kinds of people going through many different kinds of personal and career change, particularly those;
- looking for work
- looking for promotion or newly promoted
- moving between Public and Private Sectors
- facing redundancy
- moving into retirement
- wanting to do a mid-life review
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