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Appreciative Inquiry - making change truly positive!

What is appreciative enquiry?

Appreciative Inquiry focuses on the positive!  It works on the principle that what is good now that can be built on to achieve a vision for the future.
When thinking about change people often focus on what is wrong now – what is deficient. This has been the traditional approach to making a change.
Appreciative Inquiry starts the other way round.  It looks at what is good and valuable now. What is good now can be the foundation on which to build moving forward.
Once the foundation is established you can explore the future possibilities. And you can do it with much greater confidence.

All change

In all change, something will be lost but with Appreciative Inquiry you can make sure that much of what is good remains.  People can honour the past and have confidence in the future!
Appreciative Inquiry was developed as a tool for changing organizations. But it works very well for individual people and teams.  They can approach change with greater confidence.
If you work as a coach or consultant using Appreciative Inquiry,  you work with a client to show existing strengths and successes. After that you can work together to use what you identified to bring about successful and positive change.

The Process

Appreciative Inquiry uses a cycle of 4 processes that can work for people, groups or whole organizations;
  1. DISCOVER: identify what works well now.
  2. DREAM: open your mind to what would work well in the future.
  3. DESIGN: planning how to deliver what will work well.
  4. DESTINY (or DELIVER): Bring your plan into life.

Wendy Mason Smith is a life coach, career coach, business coach and confidence booster. She is also a writer. You can book a FREE coaching session and find out more about her coaching services at this link.


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